Extract of hours online per day


Viewed 127 times


I need to extract from the freeradius-powered RADACCT table, Radius server with Mysql, the connection records of a given user, for each day of the month, to determine how many hours that day the user was effectively online.

The difficulty I encountered referred to the date and time (datetime) starting on one day and to the date and time (datetime) ending on the other day or several days after the beginning of the session. With the calculations and codes I’ve made, it’s always minutes and hours!

The table below has been shortened, and this only with the fields I need for the calculations!

Below is an example of the table:

id | username | starttime           | stoptime            | totalsessiontime(use gmdate to return total)
1  | test     | 2019-03-31 16:28:43 | 2019-04-02 19:34:19 | 183935
2  | test     | 2019-04-02 19:35:17 | 2019-04-04 16:28:43 | 183935

The result I need is like this:

Day        | Total
2019-03-31 | 07:31:17
2019-04-01 | 24:00:00
2019-04-02 | 23:59:02
2019-04-03 | 24:00:00
2019-04-04 | 16:28:43

The results may not be correct, I made an example in my head to be as faithful as possible.

I’ve done several searches, but the cases I find are very specific, like mine, and I just can’t interpret to implement a QUERY.

Query used:

    SELECT SUM(acctsessiontime) as sessiontime,date(acctstarttime) as data_inicio, date(acctstoptime) as data_fim,time(acctstarttime) as time_inicio, time(acctstoptime) as time_fim FROM radacct WHERE username = '$usuario' AND (date(acctstarttime) = '$ano-$mes-$dia' AND (date(acctstoptime) = '$ano-$mes-$dia' OR date(acctstoptime) = '$ano-$mes-$dia_seguinte')


    function consumo() {


        $tempo_online = $this->radius_model->tempo_online('usuario@test', '04', '2019');

        foreach ($tempo_online as $dia => $value) {
            $dias[' ' . $dia . '-04-2019 '] = gmdate("H:i:s", (int) $tempo_online[$dia]['sessiontime']);

        echo "<pre>";
        print_r($dias); }


    public function tempo_mensal_online($usuario, $dia, $mes, $ano) {

        $sql = "SELECT SUM(acctsessiontime) as sessiontime,date(acctstarttime) as data_inicio, date(acctstoptime) as data_fim,time(acctstarttime) as time_inicio, time(acctstoptime) as time_fim FROM radacct WHERE username = '$usuario' AND (date(acctstarttime) = '$ano-$mes-$dia' AND (date(acctstoptime) = '$ano-$mes-$dia' OR date(acctstoptime) = '$ano-$mes-$dia_seguinte')";
        return $this->db->query($sql)->result_array();
  • And you didn’t query?

  • You can use the calculations in times and dates using the own mysql functions

  • @Excellent, I’ll study that !!

  • I made a query: $this->db->select("SUM(acctsessiontime) as sessiontime,date(acctstarttime) as data_inicio, date(acctstoptime) as data_fim,time(acctstarttime) as time_inicio, time(acctstoptime) as time_fim");&#xA;// $this->db->from("radacct");&#xA;// $this->db->where("username = '$usuario'");&#xA;// $this->db->where("date(acctstarttime) = '$ano-$mes-$dia' AND (date(acctstoptime) = '$ano-$mes-$dia' OR date(acctstoptime) = '$ano-$mes-$dia_seguinte')");&#xA;// return $this->db->get()->row_array(); But I could not reach the above result..

  • 1

    Another tip is to try with native SQL queries before putting in the application, it is easier to figure out the error and helps us to help you too :)

  • 1

    Dear Onurb, welcome! I have transferred your edition to the field below. It is very good that you have returned with your feedback to the community. For next questions, read "What is a [mcve]", which can help a lot to make the posts viable. It has to be recognized that you have made good improvements to your post, it only lacks excess information that does not influence the center of the problem (the mentioned link can help in this direction). The purpose of the site is that the questions serve as a repository of knowledge for future visitors, so it is very important that they stick to the core of the problem.

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1 answer


answer prepared by the author of the question, transcribed here

After reading the Mysql documentation sent by @ngueno, I was able to arrive at the expected result by modifying my Query and treating the result with date calculations.

It follows below as they remained the codes:

New Query

    SELECT acctsessiontime, acctstarttime, acctstoptime FROM radacct WHERE username = '$usuario' AND ('$ano-$mes-$dia' BETWEEN date(acctstarttime) AND date(acctstoptime) OR '$ano-$mes-$dia' BETWEEN date(acctstoptime) AND date(acctstarttime))

The result was only satisfactory using the BETWEEN operator(Reference), I was able to extract the correct records and so make calculations that gave the result I need.

New Controller

function consumo() {

        $usuario = 'usuario@test';
        $mes = '04';
        $ano = '2019';
        $ultimo_dia_mes = date("t", mktime(0, 0, 0, $mes, '01', $ano));

        for ($dia = 01; $dia <= $ultimo_dia_mes; $dia++) {
            strlen($dia) === 1 ? $dia = '0' . $dia : ''; // add 0 aos dias 1-9

            /*  Buscando registros diarios do usuário */
            $registros_diario = $this->radius_model->tempo_online($usuario, $dia, $mes, $ano);

            if (count($registros_diario) > 0) {

                /*  Descobrindo o primeiro e ultimo item da array de registros */
                $primeiro = reset($registros_diario);
                $ultimo = end($registros_diario);

                $primeiro_acct = strtotime($primeiro['acctstarttime']);
                $sessao_inicio = strtotime("$ano-$mes-$dia 00:00:00");
                $primeira_diferenca = $sessao_inicio - $primeiro_acct;

                $sessao_fim = strtotime("$ano-$mes-$dia 24:00:00");
                $ultimo_acct = strtotime($ultimo['acctstoptime']);
                $segunda_diferenca = $ultimo_acct - $sessao_fim;

                /*  Descobrindo o tempo online total */
                $soma = 0;
                foreach ($registros_diario as $registro) {
                    $soma += $registro['acctsessiontime'];

                $soma_final = $soma - ($primeira_diferenca + $segunda_diferenca);

                $dtF = new \DateTime('@0');
                $dtT = new \DateTime("@$soma_final");
                $horas_online = $dtF->diff($dtT)->format('%h:%i:%s');
                if ($dtF->diff($dtT)->format('%a') > 0) {
                    $horas_online = '24:00:00';

                $registros[$dia] = $horas_online;

        echo "<pre>";

Nova Model

public function tempo_online($usuario, $dia, $mes, $ano) {

        $this->db->select("acctsessiontime, acctstarttime, acctstoptime");

        $this->db->where("username = '$usuario' AND ('$ano-$mes-$dia' BETWEEN date(acctstarttime) AND date(acctstoptime) OR '$ano-$mes-$dia' BETWEEN date(acctstoptime) AND date(acctstarttime))");

        return $this->db->get('radacct')->result_array();

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