Does anyone know a function in excel or other program to count the amount of numbers existing between a range of numbers?


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I wanted to find the amount of existing numbers in a range of numbers. So I don’t have to look for the numbers manually q are in the value range.

Ex: 0,340-0,345. In answer: 6 (0,340 . 0,341 . 0,342 . 0,343 . 0,344 . 0,345).

  • 2

    If it’s for Excel why did you tag C? What number set do you refer to? Integers? Reals? If it is the set of reals then mathematically I can say that they are infinite. The representation of real numbers in a computer (float or double) has a finite amount but anyway is an immensely large number.

1 answer


In Excel, you can use the CONT.NÚM function to get the number of entries in a number field that is in a range or a number matrix.

For example, you can insert the following formula to count the numbers in the A1:A20 range.

  • But it doesn’t say range of cells but "range of numbers".

  • The cited function will count nothing but numbers, so it will be able to select everything, which will only count the numbers of that amount of data.

  • I interpret interval in the mathematical sense of the term, as the author of the question says: a range of numbers, not numbers existing in a range of cells. But it may just be a Portuguese problem in the formulation of the question.

  • That’s right. I wanted a function q count the number amount within a range of numbers. Ex: 0.340-0.345. Having as answer: 6 (0.340 . 0,341 . 0,342 . 0,343 . 0,344 . 0,345).

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