How to subtract a date and time from another date and time in Ionic 4?


Viewed 173 times


I need to pick two dates and time, already defined in the template like this:

<ion-datetime name="ent" [(ngModel)]="ent" displayFormat="DD MMM, HH:mm"></ion-datetime>,

In the class I defined so: ent:Date=new Date();

but I wonder if anyone knows a way to subtract these values so that, for example, I can see how long and days a car has been in the parking lot. Thanks in advance!

1 answer


you can use the library Moment.js:

        var data1 = moment('29/04/2019 00:00', "DD/MM/YYYY hh:mm");
        var data2 = moment('30/04/2019 02:00', "DD/MM/YYYY hh:mm");
        var diferenca = data1.diff(data2, 'hours');

        console.log(diferenca); // 2
        var data1 = moment('29/04/2019 00:00', "DD/MM/YYYY hh:mm");
        var data2 = moment('30/04/2019 02:00', "DD/MM/YYYY hh:mm");
        var diferenca = data1.diff(data2, 'days');

        console.log(diferenca); // 1

  • I got it, I used the <ion-datatime> even if it takes the string value, I stored it in my class variable through a [(ngModel)] and then I made a button that calls a function in the class with the (click)="nomeDaFuncao()"

  • Check out the class and the complete project on my Github: Full project: Class:

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