How best to start developing a mobile app


Viewed 99 times


Good afternoon,

I would like to know the best language to develop an application for mobile and which platform to start developing.

Thanks in advance.

1 answer


First of all, it depends a lot on what you searching for, there is not the best language, but the one that suits your current need more. If you want to develop to multi-platform (Android and iPhone at the same time), you have the following options:

  • Ionic Framework (Javascript)
  • Phonegap or Apache Cordova (Javascript)
  • Unity (C#)
  • React Native (Javascript)
  • Xamarin (C#)
  • Flutter (Dart)

Take into account that the above mentioned platforms often transplate the code written for the platform’s native language, such as React Native on Android (which goes from JSX for Java), which often results in a "dirty" native code. If you prefer to program "natively" for Android:

  • Java
  • Kotlin

(These two language options are heavily typed, if they are of interest to you, all right, if not, previous alternative)

"Ah but I can go from Kotlin to Javascript and transpose to other links."
- Okay, but it’s still focused on Virtual Machine Java.

And finally, for iOS devices, you have:

  • Swift
  • Objective-C
  • Cocoa Touch

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