Doubt about dll version


Viewed 72 times


I’m having a problem with my Dlls A few screens is "System.ValueTuple.dll"

My Packages.config is with the version 4.5.0.

But when the project is compiled, it generates the dll with the version 4.6.26515.6

And in my.config app, you have the following::

    <assemblyIdentity name="System.ValueTuple" publicKeyToken="cc7b13ffcd2ddd51" culture="neutral" />
    <bindingRedirect oldVersion="" newVersion="" />

And in some machines (not all) the following error occurs:

"Unable to load file or assemply 'System.Valuetuple, Version=, Culture=neutral, and PulicKeyToken=cc7bf13ffcd2ddd51'"

There are 4 places yesterday has this dll version and all are different. And I’ve tried to make it all the same.

  • 1

    If your project uses AssemblyInfo.cs look for the lineAssemblyVersion and see if it has asterisks(*). Asterisks mean automatic value increment.

  • No (*) in Assemblyversion

2 answers



Good night Gustavo.

Probably your solution has more than one project and what may be happening is that there are different versions of the packages installed in the projects.

In Visual Studio (recent versions), by right-clicking on the Solution, you can access the Nuget Package Manager for the Solution. On the management screen will appear a consolidate tab that will point out which packages have different versions in the solution.

Even there you can CONSOLIDATE the packages for the version you find most suitable.

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