Imagine the setting where I have the following structure of tree:
class / conexao / conexao.php
mvc / modelos / PessoasModelos.php
visoes / PessoasVisoes.php
controles / PessoasControles.php
util / classUtilitarios.php
That one __autoloader
would look like this:
Function __autoload( $class ) {
$paths[] = __DIR__ . $DS . "class" . $DS . "conexao" . $DS . $class . ".php";
$paths[] = __DIR__ . $DS . "class" . $DS . "mvc" . $DS . "modelos" . $DS . $class . ".php";
$paths[] = __DIR__ . $DS . "class" . $DS . "mvc" . $DS . "visoes" . $DS . $class . ".php";
$paths[] = __DIR__ . $DS . "class" . $DS . "mvc" . $DS . "controles" . $DS . $class . ".php";
$paths[] = __DIR__ . $DS . "class" . $DS . "classUtilitarios" . $DS . $class . ".php";
foreach ( $paths as $path ) :
if ( file_exists( $path ) ) require_once $path;
Or, in versions plus recent of php:
function autoload( $class ) {
$paths[] = __DIR__ . $DS . "class" . $DS . "conexao" . $DS . $class . ".php";
$paths[] = __DIR__ . $DS . "class" . $DS . "mvc" . $DS . "modelos" . $DS . $class . ".php";
$paths[] = __DIR__ . $DS . "class" . $DS . "mvc" . $DS . "visoes" . $DS . $class . ".php";
$paths[] = __DIR__ . $DS . "class" . $DS . "mvc" . $DS . "controles" . $DS . $class . ".php";
$paths[] = __DIR__ . $DS . "class" . $DS . "classUtilitarios" . $DS . $class . ".php";
foreach ( $paths as $path ) :
if ( file_exists( $path ) ) require_once $path;
But it would force me to create all the paths and, depending on the system, I can have several paths with numerous classes.
Is there a way I don’t need that?
That is, just inform the php that is for him sweep all the subdirectories of index class
looking for classes and carry them?
Something like :
foreach ( $paths as $path ) :
if(count($path.subpath > 0 ) função recursiva...
if ( file_exists( $path ) ) require_once $path;