Facebook shares/ Likes no longer appear on my pages


Viewed 26 times


Until some time ago I used this URL to recover JSON data from Facebook and display on my pages through Javascript: https://graph.facebook.com/? id=URL. However, the Ikes or shares are no longer displayed and this on all my sites. I already researched and I know that Facebook updated its Open Graph, but I could not find a simple way to solve this problem. Would anyone have any idea?

1 answer


Well, after a lot of research, I found the answer. Apparently, Facebook is no longer accepting GET calls without using an access token. I ended up using the same URL of the above question but adding some parameters. So, it was like this:


I used the access token of an application I had already created on Facebook Developers and I redid the total URL. JSON generated by Facebook is now something like this below:

   "engagement": {
      "reaction_count": 70,
      "comment_count": 52,
      "share_count": 61,
      "comment_plugin_count": 0
   "id": "http://www.endereco-da-pagina-pesquisada"

To capture the data, then, you need a call like this within Javascript:

var MeusAcessos = parseInt(data.engagement.share_count); 

This solved my problem. In case someone reads this answer and needs more information, post your question.

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