How to store an ion-input value in a variable and pass it on the route?


Viewed 219 times


Imagine the following scenario in Ionic 4: I have an ion-input for the user to enter a Ticket number. I want to store this value in a variable in the component class and then use it to pass as route parameter.

In this context, I am not able to store the value typed in the ion-input variable, someone knows how to do this?

1 answer


Good afternoon,

You can thus do your input by giving a name with the same name as ngModel and create its variable type like 'public test: string;'

<ion-input  name="teste" [(ngModel)]="teste" class="nome" type="text" ></ion-input>```
  • great, I knew it was easy, I forgot about the "name" rsrs Thanks! Now my Template looks like this: <ion-input type="text" name="ticket" [(ngModel)]="ticket"></ion-input>

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