Error anti-forgery cookie "__Requestverificationtoken" is not present happens only in Internet Explorer


Viewed 279 times


I have a problem I have no idea how to fix.
I have an mvc app posted on my machine, where I can use all the features (create, Edit, delete) perfectly, whether in Chrome or IE.
It turns out that when publishing to the homologation server, I can’t run the features in IE, only in Chrome. In the IE, any of these functions presents an error in the Antiforgerytoken:

The required anti-forgery cookie "__Requestverificationtoken" is not present.

The only approved customer browser is Internet Explorer, so changing is not an option.

I am using the helper as indicated and in the same standard of existing applications on the server.


public ActionResult Create(GrupoCanaisViewModel grupoCanaisViewModel)   


@model DCX.ITLC.SGPCAPABILIDADE.Application.ViewModel.GrupoCanaisViewModel

    ViewBag.Title = Resource.CadastroDeGrupoDeCanais;

<hr />

@using (Html.BeginForm())
    <form id="FormCreateGrupo">
        <div class="form-group">
            <div class="form-horizontal">
                @Html.ValidationSummary(true, "", new { @class = "text-danger" })

I have compared the IIS configurations of the homologation with those of my machine and there is nothing different, I have also recreated the application on the server and nothing changes.

I need a north.

  • give a look at this link has helped me with this problem...

  • 1

    In the view and controller seems to be correct, do you use SSL in the application? Is there this on your web.config <httpCookies requireSSL="true" />? If there is comment on the line to see if it works.

  • most likely the customer is with disabled cookies, take a look at internet options > privacy

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