Moving data from one page to another via a button in Ionic 4


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In a scenario where I have a home screen with an "ion-input" and a button. When you enter the code in the input and click on the button, I want to be redirected to another page and, I want this other page to display the value typed in the previous page, it would be possible?

Note, the typed code should be saved to an instantiated object on the first page.

Someone knows how to do?

  • Dude, with Angular you could do it using the routes, I don’t know if you’d be gambiarroso in your case. . Searching on this in Ionic 3, I found this link that can help you tbm : values-between-the-p%C3%A1ginas-c816e4d34191

  • 1

    Hello, already solved, very simple. Just add in your route, in Path, the name of the page + parameter: {path: "new-item/:id"} and then in tamplate call so: <ion-input type="text" name="ticket" [(ngModel)]="ticket"></ion-input>&#xA; <ion-button [routerLink]="['/new-item', ticket]">Confirmar</ion-button>

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