Hello, I am developing a classic ASP application and I need to write a JSON to a data.json file. Problem is that several users may request the recording in this file, I would like to know what is the best solution for this problem? I wanted you to avoid the error that two users request to write to the file at the same time. I know it is difficult to occur but it is not impossible. So there would be some way to synchronize the writing avoiding that multiple users order the writing at the same time making one at a time placing them in a queue?
Here’s the code:
dim filesys, filetxt
Dim path,pastalocal
pastalocal = split(Request.ServerVariables("script_name"),"/")
path = Server.MapPath("/"&pastalocal(1))
Const ForReading = 1, ForWriting = 2, ForAppending = 8
Dim lineData
Set fso = Server.CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
set fs = fso.OpenTextFile(path&"\data2.json", ForReading, true)
Do Until fs.AtEndOfStream
lineData = fs.ReadLine
fs.close: set fs = nothing
Set filesys = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
Set filetxt = filesys.OpenTextFile(path&"\data2.json", ForWriting, True)
If lineData = "" Then
End If
Present the code of how you are opening the file for writing
– Leandro Angelo
Already includes the code @Leandroangelo
– Jacob de Oliveira