Sharing a project without certain modules


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I have a project in progress versioned, everything straight, with several modules and each module has several functionalities and I need to share the project with another team, but this team does not need certain modules, So far so good, the problem is that if more features are developed for a module that the other team has need that they have access to these new implementations. What’s the right thing to do? Do a Fork of the current project and remove the functionality of this new Fork for example and every time you implement a feature you pass this functionality to another project? Or do you have a more efficient solution? If so, what is the most efficient command or way to proceed?

  • 1

    Why not make everything visible and let them work on the gitflow stream, changing into their Feature-branches only the module they should have to change to? This can be ensured through the code maintainer’s revision/merge policy

  • The problem is that they cannot have access to certain modules or access to the system code

  • 1

    So a simple fork won’t be enough. Because git keeps all the history of what happened. Personally, I’m against this strategy of hiding code, the more open the better. If they really don’t need to see it, I see two possibilities: rework the history locally (it takes work much large, but possible) and climb a new repository OR make a brand new repository with the first commit being only the module in question. But reflect with your manager the need to hide the code, I am partisan that is not usually necessary

  • the question of hiding the code in this case is necessary because it is a sector of government intelligence, the biggest problem I see is in the case of implementing the functionalities in the module that the two teams have, I would have to commit in the two projects

  • You can try sharing only the specific submodule. The commit would be unique, but the "aggregator" repository would need to be notified that the module has been updated. It would be using the git submodule. Does it matter? It will take me a while to compose the answer, if interested

  • I didn’t know this feature, if it’s not too much to ask, it would help more!

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