Performance Firebird


Viewed 46 times


I’m trying to make Firebird faster to enter records via Procedure, but I’m not getting it, currently I see that Firebird does not use 100% of the machine’s available resources, I’ve already searched several places and made some changes to the file Firebird.conf, are the following:

DefaultDbCachePages = 16384
FileSystemCacheThreshold = 268435456
FileSystemCacheSize = 80
CpuAffinityMask = 15

But I didn’t get an improvement in Irebird’s performance. I have to setup on my machine: Intel Core I5 2400. 8GB RAM HD 1 TB.

These procedures copy the records of tables that are imported via csv file, and insert them into the tables that the system records. Does anyone know how to perform this performance tunning for this type of procedure?

  • The best website for you to find information about tunning from Firebird is at Firebase. See this article:

  • There is no default setting for any environment that Firebird is running in. You should find the best setting for business x server x Firebird version. That’s why it’s complicated an exact answer to your question.

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