Develop for iPhone when you’re an Android developer


Viewed 190 times


I develop for Android, now I want to start developing for iPhone, my doubts are as follows.

  1. I use Linux, searching the internet concludes that Apple only provides the tools for Mac. And to program in Linux and Windows environment just by doing tricks. Someone here got good results developing in Windwos or Linux?

  2. Does the Objective-C and Java language have many similarities to writing? (EX.: syntax, inheritance, Mplements, communication with Bds)

  3. What a good book for beginners in development for iOS?

  • This question has everything to be closed because it is not objective - generates response based on personal opinions. I suggest reformulating the question to: Is it possible to program for iPhone on Linux? How ?

  • 1

    @ramaral, this is a common question among mobile developers, especially for those who are starting out. The title yes could be improved, but the content is of good relevance. Hugs.

  • I believe that some moderator has already edited the title because it was not this "Develop for iPhone when you are Android developer".

  • @Juareza.Francojunior you can check on edition history who edited and what was changed.

  • To start learning IOS I watched these videos from the following link and read a book Iphone and Ipad from noatec. More these videos can help you learn. IOS videos

  • There is no pq to edit the title to "Is it possible to program for iPhone on Linux? How ?" Look at the content of the question, I’m having doubts in the new development environment, which includes the operating system, but doubt is in the development environment, where it encompasses the S.O, the language, features, differences between the android environment. Not only in the operating system

  • 1

    Apart from the third item, I think the question is a good one. You can objectively answer items 1 and 2. 3 is very vague and attracts opinions rather than facts, besides being easily outdated.

  • I also find the question interesting. My comment follows that there are already three votes to close and, for the sake of consistency with myself, I also have to vote to close. @Math Questions like Gets complicated? and It’s easy? can only generate response based on opinions.

  • 1

    Hi, Juarez, I tried to adapt the title to the spirit of the question. You are free to change it as you see fit. I’m sorry if I was wrong about the interpretation. . . . Related: Based on opinion is being used correctly?

  • I think it is incorrect to suspend this topic. This question can generate answers that will help the programmer make his own decisions.

  • 1

    @Danielaccorsi the fact that helping other programmers in the short term can mean disrupting the community in the long term. I’m not saying that the question should be closed, I’m just saying that the reason you put forward alone does not support a reopening of the topic (which, by the way, has already occurred). Related: Why can’t I ask anything about programming on Stackoverflow Pt?

  • 1

    Well a fact that I discovered and will not have way is that to program for iOS is necessary a Macbook, I am not a fan of gambiarras and let alone make the proprietary software run illegal, now I need to know how to give a start, I need a book or booklet. I’ll search the iOS api and see if it helps a little. But the topic is still open. Thanks to everyone who is collaborating.

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1 answer


My friend, I would like to make a comment on this matter.

There are two ways to develop Android and iOS apps:

1º - Using Frameworks. In this case you can compile the same project for both Android and iOS, see an example of this: Xamarin (you develop in C# for any mobile device). Or the Coronalabs. But I don’t recommend this solution, besides you getting stuck with the framework, you won’t have all the flexibility that each platform can offer... Among other issues, such as memory performance and consumption.

2º - Develop natively. It is the best option and is what the most respected companies do: Android developers and iOS developers. The graphical interface is available equally for both, and at the time of implementation the adjustments will be made according to the platform. This is the best way to work on mobile projects.

If you wanted to work productively with iOS, I strongly recommend not trying to gambiarras, but to acquire a Mac. For Android, do as you think best within the flexibility of the platform, namely Linux or Windows.

Talking sore similarities between languages is complicated, but Objective-C has many particularities, just like any other. If you focus on learning, you’ll get as much knowledge as Java. But yes, there is a same concept of POO for both, and that’s what matters.

I hope I’ve helped in some way, conceptually.


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