The underlying connection was closed: Unexpected error on a receipt


Viewed 5,600 times


I have a web site that communicates with a WCF. This Wcf communicates with my "DAO" which is a Library class where I have the.edmx model for access to the bank. I referenced my DAO on WCF, and my WCF on my web site.

I am using Entity framework and webForms.

In Inner Exception is generating the following error.

The underlying connection was closed: Unexpected error on a receiving.

In my code generates the following error.

Error while receiving HTTP response to http://locahost:4614/Service.svc. This may be related to the fact that the service end point association does not use the HTTP protocol. It may also be related to the cancellation of a HTTP request context by the server (possibly due to shutdown of the service). See the server logs for more details

Can someone help me?

2 answers


Add to your connectionString in the archive Web.config:



"Data Source=.\SQLEXPRESS;Initial Catalog=MeuSistema;Integrated Security=True;MultipleActiveResultSets=true;" 
  • @Marconi This "transform" we call "serialize". To answer your question I will need code examples. Can you please edit the question?


  • Camila, welcome to the OS-pt. Usually here on the site we add link with your content. Links themselves break and leave the content unusable. I recommend reading on tour to understand a little more about the operation of the site!

  • vlw Marconi and Everson, my inattention, I have already arranged the post change.

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