Which is the best way to add information in the value of being that I receive an Object dynamically.
The current code is as follows (Note the _options[i] | json):
<ion-item *ngIf="_type.indexOf('select') > -1 || _type.indexOf('checkbox') > -1 || _type.indexOf('radiobutton') > -1">
<ion-label floating>{{_title}}</ion-label>
<ion-select title={{_type}} [multiple]="_type === 'select' ? false : null || _type === 'checkbox' ? true : null || _type === 'radiobutton' ? false : null"
[(ngModel)]="answer" (ionChange)="inputPopulate($event, _id, answer)">
<ion-option value="{{_options[i] | json}}" *ngFor="let option of _options; let i = index">{{_options[i].answer}}</ion-option>
Screen code responsible for adding the selected option to this. _obj
<ion-slide *ngFor="let item of slide.sections">
<h2 class="slide-title" [innerHTML]="item.name"></h2>
<div class="board-item">
<p [innerHTML]="item.description" class="slide-description"></p>
<ion-list class="form-body">
<form #form="ngForm" class="form">
<div *ngFor="let question of item.questions; let x = index">
{{ question.answers }}
<custom-input (value)="listenerAnswer($event, question._id, 0)" [id]="question._id" type="{{ question.type | lowercase }}"
[options]=question.answers title="{{ question.question }}"></custom-input>
When selecting one or several options from select and press OK, the following method is executed:
listenerAnswer(value, questionId, conditional?: boolean) {
try {
const data = JSON.parse(value.data);
this.obj[value.id] = data.answer ? data.answer : data;
} catch (e) {
const data = value.data;
this.obj[value.id] = data;
this.answers = {
personId: this.personId,
answers: this.obj,
decision: this.decision,
See what happens when you submit the request:
Information like: n and are added to the string and this is getting in the way
In mongoDB the information is being saved with the n and :
Can you help me find a more suitable way to address this impasse?
Extra information:
At the time of selecting:
inputPopulate(data, id, target) {
const value = data.toString();
data: value,
Method that performs the post.
sendAnswers(data): Observable<any> {
let headers = new HttpHeaders().set('Content-Type', 'application/json');
return this.http.post(`/answer`, data, headers );
I suggest bringing this data before saving in Mongodb, take the
. And why do you need the whole object as the value of each option? Just the_id
is not enough?– Costamilam
So, I need the user response and I need to identify the Question for that answer. About treating before. I’m trying to do it but I can’t do it for regex.
– Felipe Araujo
Enter the code instead of images is much easier for someone to help you.
– Eduardo Vargas
I updated the information. I hope you can help me find a viable path.
– Felipe Araujo
@Costamilam I solved the problem following its orientation. Now only _id is added.
– Felipe Araujo