IBGE demographic data by neighborhoods


Viewed 123 times


I saw on some sites that are presented IBGE demographic data by neighborhoods. By the analysis I did using the IBGE API documentation I could only get to the city level. I know that somehow it is possible to extract this information, someone would have some idea?

  • Passes a link from a page that presents demographic data organized by neighborhood, because I was curious and saw in the API that the maximum resolution of the query is 5 where mesh includes only municipalities.

  • 1


  • This news was published in 2011 and in some municipalities information appears by neighborhoods. However, I could not find in their platform neither an API nor data extraction by spreadsheet https://www.prefeitura.sp.gov.br/cidade/secretarias/subprefeituras/subprefeituras/dados_demograficos/index.php?p=p12758

  • Try to include the query 'nivel=Mn'.

  • 1

    Thanks @Augustovasques for the information, but I’m only getting to the level of municipality. Not at the level of neighborhoods

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