V-if to check if checkbox is checked


Viewed 196 times


How do I make a v-if "If the v-checkbox is checked" ? tried v-if(model-name == true) did not work

  • v-if="modelName"

1 answer


A simple example, we have the checkbox associated with an object called checked

<input type="checkbox" id="checkbox" v-model="checked">
<label for="checkbox">Você é maior de 18 anos?</label>
<h1 v-if="checked"> Você pode tirar a habilitação! </h1>
<h1 v-if="!checked"> Você não pode tirar a habilitação! </h1>

and at the date:

data() {
 return {
  checked: false,

since the checked value is initially set to false, the checkbox will be unchecked and the text that will appear is "You cannot enable" because v-if is '!checked', the ! imposes that if checked is the inverse of true, or false, the condition is true and will perform such an action, which in this case is to display this string.

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