Doubt: Expressjs no front-end framework?


Viewed 38 times


Hello, good afternoon.

I intend to be starting my project at Nodejs + Expressjs, but I don’t know this technology very well. Many people say that Express is only for API development and eventually integrate into a front end when it’s ready. So my question is: It is possible to develop application without using any front-end framework, only with Expressjs and a Handlebars or Jade?

2 answers


It is perfectly possible to make an application in Expressjs and serve content with some engine of these that you mentioned. There are even some tutorials on the Express documentation page itself, which we can check out here.


Sure! Myself, I try to use the minimum of Libraries/Frameworks, and until today I never had any problems. Frameworks are to help you develop Front End... Think about not using framework, making a paper account, and using Framework, using a calculator. They help you make the page, and spend less time doing it, but the result can be (almost) the same in both cases.

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