How to hide the message in bootstrap?


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When I open the modal form it already appears the validation message track, I would like it to appear only when the validation is activated.

It’s that piece of code;

   <div class="alert alert-danger" role="alert">
                          <span class="glyphicon glyphicon-exclamation-sign" aria-hidden="false"></span>
                          <span id="erroMsgUJ"></span>
                          <span id="erroMsgPeriodoInicio"></span>
  • Enter the javascript code that validates and displays Alert.

1 answer


Just start him off with display:none, for this you can use the native class .hidden Bootstrap 3 as you can see here:

// Classes
.show {
  display: block !important;
.hidden {
  display: none !important;

So your div of Alert would initially look like this, then you remove the .hidden and puts the .show by JS already using these native BS3 classes

<div class="alert alert-danger hidden" role="alert">
  • didn’t work, but I saw the documentation, I think it must be missing something!

  • Please, based on my code as it would look?

  • @wladyband just that should solve <div class="alert alert-danger hidden" role="alert"> but if not solved, it is because you have some Script that this putting display:block in this element... maybe some jQuery who is giving show() in the element... just inspecting to know why the tag might be like this <div class="alert alert-danger hidden" role="alert" style="display:block"> there is no way to work, you would have to take this block by JS too

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