Python - creating table


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I have two variables (coordinates X,Y) that I am taking this information from a table . plt, I would like to save them in another table. I’d like the table to look like this

   X   Y
  10   48
  10   50
  20   30 

I am new in python, could you access this table for reading after indicating the variable ( X or Y ) and the line to view this variable? this table would have to have a variable size because the size of it will depend on the file I will load

2 answers


You can use a python tuple to do this.

##Primeira X, segunda Y
tabela = [ (10,48 ), ( 10,50 ), (20, 30 ) ]

tabela[0] would return (10,48) If you want to access X, you only need to access the first item: tabela[0][0]

There is also a way for you to create the table so that each element

>>> tabela = [ (10,48 ), ( 10,50 ), (20, 30 ) ]
>>> tabela[0][0]
  • thanks for your reply, but I can save these variables anywhere in the table ?

  • Sorry, I didn’t understand your question. You say export the information?


Tables can be represented using different types of Data Structure. The simplest would be to create an array using arrays:

table = [ [10,48] , [10,50] , [20,30] ]

You can access the data using the index as:

''' Acessar cada linha '''
>>> table[0]
''' Ou acessar diretamento o valor por coluna: '''
>>> table[0][1]

But if you want to store this data externally, it would be interesting to use the Pandas to convert to CSV, Excel, etc.

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