'<' not supported between instances of 'str' and 'int' >>> Not an input problem!


Viewed 531 times


The idea is to create a matrix of confusion. yhat_tr has a hundred values(float), positive and negative. d_tr is a column inside an excel file with the same amount of items as yhat_tr. d_tr values are distributed for each idem, but with values 1 and -1.

#TP - TruePositive, FP: FalsePositive, TN: TrueNegative, FN: FalseNegative
TP, FP, TN, FN = 0,0,0,0

for i in yhat_tr:
  for a in d_tr:
    if i > 0 and a > 0:
      TP += 1

    elif i > 0 and a < 0:
      FP += 1

    elif i < 0 and a < 0:
      TN += 1

      FN += 1

print (FP)

The attempt is for each item of the column y_hat-tr, if the value of yhat_tr is greater than 0 and also its value in d_tr is greater than 0, it adds 1 in the value of TP. Otherwise sum in the other variables like the above rule.

  • 1

    There’s a string where you say there’s only a float...

  • YES!!! You found the issue. d_tr is bringing the header together with the data. When I replace it with another data source the code works. Thanks! Now I just have to figure out how to import without this column caption.

  • So that’s what the error message is saying, you can’t compare str with int.

1 answer


I’m new in the area too, but I think this loop for which you used is for string list. For number list I would use:

n = len(yhat_tr)
m = len(d_tr)

for i in range(n):
    for a in range(m):
        if yhat_tr[i]>0 and d_tr[a]>0:
            TP += 1
  • It is almost never used with "range" in Python - in general it is not necessary. Code formatting and indentation are also not optional in the language.

  • Thanks, but it didn’t work.... Gave another error (error 0), and always appears when nesting these two loops (n and m).

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