Why do file names usually not carry special characters?


Viewed 124 times


It is common for file names to follow patterns such as nome-imagem.jpeg (in lowercase and separated by hyphens). This practice is adopted by convention or because of compatibility with web servers?

This doubt is in relation to file names used in web projects, for example, a CSS file is usually called estilo-padrao.css or estilo_padrao.css, but not of estilo padrão.css. The same question is used for image files, javascript and configuration files (such as JSON, for example) for back-end.

  • 4

    By comparatibility of HDD partition format types and boundaries of old operating systems. Aside from the remarkable simplification of the URL, that instead of getting something like nome%20imagem.jpg, which is much harder to type (%20 equivalent to a space), yet the NO use of accents helps facilitate typing on keyboards that do not provide this easily, the English International and ABNT keyboards have accents, but other variations will not all have Portuguese accents and the same goes for other languages. So keeping inside ASCII will surely be easier

  • ps: the downvote is not mine, I was going to formulate the most detailed answer, but I’m out of time now.

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