Value appears and disappears after click-Javascript


Viewed 722 times


Good evening, I made a javascript logic of inputs receiving the value of an array, all right however, when you click on the button to happen the event the values appear and disappear from the input quickly, follow the code, Thanks.

var codigo = "23794130047008001672190051686005178110000010890"

var metade = Math.floor(codigo.length / 8);
var seis = Math.floor(codigo.length / 7);
var um = Math.floor(codigo.length/47);
var rest = Math.floor(codigo.length/3)

var res = codigo.substr(0,metade) + " ," + codigo.substr(5,metade)  + " ," + codigo.substr(10,metade)
+ " ," + codigo.substr(15,seis) + " ," + codigo.substr(21,metade) + " ," + codigo.substr(26,seis)
+ " ," + codigo.substr(32,um) + " ," + codigo.substr(33,rest);

var div = res.split(" ,")

function separar(){
    let teste = document.getElementsByTagName("input")

    for(i =0; i< teste.length; i++){
    teste[i].value = div[i]
    console.log(teste[i].value = div[i])


<form id="form" >

    <label>Digite o código</label>
<br/><button onclick="separar()">Separar</button>

    <input type="text"/>
    <input type="text"/>
    <input type="text"/>
    <input type="text"/>
    <input type="text"/>
    <input type="text"/>
    <input type="text"/>
    <input type="text"/>

  • What’s the idea? each input gets a value?

  • Each input receives a value from the 'div' array, when I put the window.onload in front of Function the values already start correctly in the inputs, but without, when I click, it appears quickly and some.

1 answer


By default, the <button> assumes the type as submit, when within a form. What is happening is that by clicking the Submit event button is triggered and then the form is "sent" making the page clean.

Add the type="button" to the button

var codigo = "23794130047008001672190051686005178110000010890"

var metade = Math.floor(codigo.length / 8);
var seis = Math.floor(codigo.length / 7);
var um = Math.floor(codigo.length/47);
var rest = Math.floor(codigo.length/3)

var res = codigo.substr(0,metade) + " ," + codigo.substr(5,metade)  + " ," + codigo.substr(10,metade)
+ " ," + codigo.substr(15,seis) + " ," + codigo.substr(21,metade) + " ," + codigo.substr(26,seis)
+ " ," + codigo.substr(32,um) + " ," + codigo.substr(33,rest);

var div = res.split(" ,")

function separar(){
    let teste = document.getElementsByTagName("input")

    for(i =0; i< teste.length; i++){
        teste[i].value = div[i]
        //console.log(teste[i].value = div[i])
<form id="form" >
    <label>Digite o código</label>
<br/><button type="button" onclick="separar()">Separar</button>
    <input type="text"/>
    <input type="text"/>
    <input type="text"/>
    <input type="text"/>
    <input type="text"/>
    <input type="text"/>
    <input type="text"/>
    <input type="text"/>

To get the code through a input, add a input out of of the form with a id to make it easier to catch later. Add all the separation code inside the function separar(). To get the inputs use the id of form as a reference to be able to catch all inputs from inside it. Follow the example code

function separar(){
    var codigo = document.getElementById("codigo").value;

    var metade = Math.floor(codigo.length / 8);
    var seis = Math.floor(codigo.length / 7);
    var um = Math.floor(codigo.length/47);
    var rest = Math.floor(codigo.length/3)

    var res = codigo.substr(0,metade) + " ," + codigo.substr(5,metade)  + " ," + codigo.substr(10,metade)
+ " ," + codigo.substr(15,seis) + " ," + codigo.substr(21,metade) + " ," + codigo.substr(26,seis)
+ " ," + codigo.substr(32,um) + " ," + codigo.substr(33,rest);

    var div = res.split(" ,")
    let teste = document.getElementById("form").getElementsByTagName("input")

    for(i =0; i< teste.length; i++){
        teste[i].value = div[i]
        //console.log(teste[i].value = div[i])
<input type="text" id="codigo">
<form id="form" >
    <label>Digite o código</label>
<br/><button type="button" onclick="separar()">Separar</button>
    <input type="text"/>
    <input type="text"/>
    <input type="text"/>
    <input type="text"/>
    <input type="text"/>
    <input type="text"/>
    <input type="text"/>
    <input type="text"/>

  • Thank you very much !! just a question if I wanted instead of setting this fixed value, take from an input for example, how would ? I’m trying with queryselector but give this error: Uncaught Typeerror: Cannot read Property '0' of Undefined

  • @israel I added to the reply. If you consider this response to be appropriate, do not forget to mark it as correct :)

  • Perfect !! Thank you very much

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