Leave each word in a row (Text file) - Python


Viewed 394 times


Good afternoon gentlemen! I have a text file with several lines of text. I would like to manipulate it to the point of leaving one word per line. In this way I would ignore some characters such as: comma, period, exclamation point, question mark etc. I would leave only the words. Could someone help me?

  • 1

    I could give an example of how your text file is and how I would like it to look after the process?

3 answers


A line break in text is nothing more than a special character " n". In python, there is the 'replace' method for strings, which is used like this

"blabla".replace('a' , 'e') 

resulting in the string "bleble".

'a’s have been replaced by 'e’s. You can replace a character (or a string) with nothing, too.

"vígula,".replace("," , "")

resulting in the string "comma".


"coisa".replace("coisa" , "nada")

resulting in the string "nothing".

And finally:

"várias palavras separadas por espaço".replace(" " , "\n")

resulting "several npalavras nseparadas npor nespaço".

The special character " n", as stated, will be displayed as a new line, separating the words into different lines.

  • Thanks my dear! God double add.

  • If the answer is correct, @Eulerricardo , don’t forget to reward our friend with " ", right at the top left of the answer!


You can use regular expressions to split words. This makes it easy to ignore special characters such as commas and dots. The code gets simpler too:

import re

with open('seu_arquivo.txt') as arquivo:
    palavras = (palavra for linha in arquivo 
        for palavra in re.findall(r'\w+', linha))
    for palavra in palavras:

In this case the expression r'\w+' will take all the grouped letters, and return each group of letters (word)


One way would be to concatenate variables.

An example:

p1 = "Uma"
p2 = "Palavra"
p3 = "Qualquer"
print (p1 + " " + p2 + " " + p3)
  • but I need to read the iury file

  • Sorry man, I thought that was it because I’m also learning Python.

  • Relex brother... your help was quite a start

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