Good morning, I’m having a problem adding the src of an audio passing through a modal. The page works as follows: 1) The user clicks on a button that opens a modal with a list of audios. 2) Inside the modal there is an Audios array with the following parameters:
id: 1,
nome: 'Música 1!',
music: '/assets/musics/bensound-littleidea.mp3',
image: '/assets/logo.png'
3) After selecting the audio inside the modal, it should present the audio on the home page
<div data-tap-disabled="true">
<audio preload="auto" controls #audio>
<source src="{{music}}"> //caminho do audio aqui
Gave a console.log(responseModal.data.music); to see if at least it takes the path, and is working, it returns me the audio path.
I need to put this path in src={}} but it’s not working.
Array of songs:
public musicaList: any[] = [
id: 1,
nome: 'Música 1!',
music: '/assets/musics/bensound-littleidea.mp3',
image: '/assets/logo.png'
id: 2,
nome: 'Música 2!',
music: '/assets/musics/bensound-summer.mp3',
image: '/assets/logo.png'
Function to take the path:
pegaMusica(music : any) {
let parametroDeResposta = {music};
Function of the main page after giving Ismiss in modal:
modal.onDidDismiss().then((responseModal: OverlayEventDetail) =>{
if(responseModal !== null){
Inside the modal, in which variable you have access to the music information(object)?
– Rafael Laurindo
within an array of songs: public musicaList: any [] =
– rzp
I added the function and pick up the path and string
– rzp
It goes like this: <source [src]"music">
– Eduardo Vargas
– Eduardo Vargas
Console returns me: GET http://localhost:8100/null 404 (Not Found)
– rzp