Send mailing list with jQuery


Viewed 82 times


      var dados = $('#j_exibe-envio');

          type: "GET",
          url: "usuario/enviar-newsletter.asp",
          success: function(resposta) {
          beforeSend: function(){
            dados.html('Enviando emails...');
          error: function(data) {
              dados.html('Erro ao enviar!');
  return false;

I have this function in JQUERY that runs an Asp page with a while bringing emails from users. (A select with a simple while, not even need to post here).

The point is that this function only brings in return when all WHILE is run. That is, the user is waiting for all the execution to only at the end view the list of sent emails.

I would like to display the emails one by one as the looping(while on the ASP page) runs and the user’s email sent ALREADY PRINTING ON THE SCREEN (RETURN).

It’s hard to do?

  • 1

    You will also need to create a column in the BD to mark that the email has already been sent. I will post a reply that will suit you and template.

1 answer


Really the ASP just goes release the return to AJAX when the while is completed. For this you should make a select in the database of only 1 email at a time:

select email from tabela where enviado = '0'

Note that in the clause where of the query I used a column enviado with a value equal to 0. You will have to create a column enviado (or the name you want) to be able to mark that that record containing the email has already been sent. Create a column int size 1 with default value 0. So, when the email is sent, it will change the value of 0 for 1. Then when that email referring to that record is sent, it will not be searched by select, only those that have the value 0, until all have value 1 and finalize the shipment.

In the AJAX part you must use the event recursively, thus:

   var dados = $('#j_exibe-envio');
   var $this = $(this);
      type: "GET",
      url: "usuario/enviar-newsletter.asp",
      success: function(resposta) {
            dados.append('<div>Envio finalizado!</div>');
      beforeSend: function(){
         if(!$("#enviando_").length) dados.html('<div id="enviando_">Enviando emails...</div>');
      error: function(data) {
         dados.append('<div>Erro ao enviar!</div>');
   return false;

Note that I added div’s in the messages so that each one occupies a different line in the container #j_exibe-envio. And the $; will recall the event.

In the ASP part you should do something like this:

set rs = conn.execute("select id, email from tabela where enviado = '0'")
if not rs.eof then
   'achou algum registro
   conn.execute("update tabela set enviado = '1' where id = '"& rs("id") &"'")
   ' zera todos os registros novamente para um novo envio
   conn.execute("update tabela set enviado = '0'")
end if
set rs = nothing

Note that the ASP will send the email as a response within a div (<div><%=rs("email")%></div>) when you find a record. If you don’t find anything, AJAX will have an empty answer and finish sending without firing the event again.

  • God pay you man. Rs. So...I use in this control field the current date that is marked the last shipment. In this field I created an index. In that While I limit sending to as much as I want, because there are many emails, so sending in batches, not sending all. As soon as each email is sent this status field (currentdata_) is updated with the current date. There is the control when it was the last time I sent to when you want to send novemante and not repeat the guy.

  • Amahã I will implement your code. I will definitely use.

  • The recursive event that is the key to what I want.

  • I haven’t tested it, maybe it needs some adjustment, but that’s the way it is. Good luck!

  • Looking like this without testing with many emails he enters a lopping right. I will put some limit on Asp. A good not to have While. Hit and back.

  • Vo use a delay that I have here to every batch sent too. Muto good guy. Brawl.

  • Yeah, like a looping while there are records with the sent column = 0

  • I did it right here. Only one thing intrigued me, even not putting delay it takes about 20 seconds between a shipment and another. Will it be the delay of the select? Since the bank has more than 1 million lines.

  • 1

    Yes, the delay is on the same server.

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