I’m starting to study Java using the Eclipse IDE, which has helped me a lot at this beginning in creating classes and screens.
Would you like to know if it is normal for it to be displaying many warnings? Do I have to check all of them? It’s normal for Eclipse to act like this or I’m doing something wrong?
The applications are not giving errors and are working normally. But this rain of warnings is worrying me if I’m getting it wrong.
What is the opinion/suggestion of who is using Eclipse with Java on these warnings?
Here are some who have appeared:
JList list = new JList();
DefaultListModel lstModelo = new DefaultListModel();
Jlist is a raw type. References to Generic type Jlist should be parameterized
Defaultlistmodel is a raw type. References to Generic type Defaultlistmodel should be parameterized
Show some warnings there
– Math
Math, I included some in the question.
– Rodrigo Tognin
This means that you need to put the type of attribute in the list, for example.
– Caio Augusto Papai