PHP Ldap AD - Recognize user data automatically without login


Viewed 264 times


I intend to make an application in PHP that does not need the user already beaten and password to login. As we have Active Directory here in the company, at first I thought to make the user when entering the link of the application, already appeared his data from AD.

It is possible to do this?

1 answer


All you need is the Apache module mod_auth_sspi .

Configuration example:

AuthType SSPI
SSPIAuthoritative On
SSPIDomain mydomain

# Set this if you want to allow access with clients that do not support NTLM, or via proxy from outside. Don't forget to require SSL in this case!
SSPIOfferBasic On

# Set this if you have only one domain and don't want the MYDOMAIN\ prefix on each user name
SSPIOmitDomain On

# AD user names are case-insensitive, so use this for normalization if your application's user names are case-sensitive
SSPIUsernameCase Lower
AuthName "Some text to prompt for domain credentials"
Require valid-user

And don’t forget that you can [use Firefox for transparent SSO in the Windows domain] (

Go on about:config, search for network.automatic-ntlm-auth.trusted-uris, and enter the hostname or FQDN of your internal application (type myserver or

You can have more than one input, it is a comma-separated field. Source:

  • I searched Apache httpd.conf and couldn’t find mod_auth_sspi. Should I include "Loadmodule..." in some line? And this example of configuration you sent goes where? ...

  • @Gustavomacielsetta takes a look at this documentation

  • One more to help @Gustavomacielsetta

  • I appreciate the help, but no tutorial worked here. Every time I touch the httpd.conf file Apache does not go up again. I’m using Xampp to take the test, just like it says on the last link you sent. I appreciate the help, but I will give up, I saw that it gives infinitely more work than doing the login screen! Thanks again!

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