SQL Server - Line Break


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Good morning, thank you for the time in reading that question.

Problem !

Consider the registration line ID | Nome 1 | "Fulano 1, Fulano 2, Fulano 3, Fulano 4"

I need to mount a select that when it works, returns: ID | Nome 1 | "Fulano 1" 1 | "Fulano 2" 1 | "Fulano 3" 1 | "Fulano 4"

There are other details that I will have to turn myself still rsrsrs, because this comma was only a basic example that I gave, because I will have to face other problems like char(13), only spaces, nomenclatures "or", example:

ID | Nome 1 | "Fulano 1**char(13)** Fulano 2**char(13)** Fulano 3 **char(13)** Fulano 4" 2 | "Fulano 1 Fulano 2 Fulano 3" 3 | "Fulano 1 **ou** Fulano 2"

PS. The name quantity per record is variable, as examples

I apologize if the doubt is unclear. I thank you all.

  • what version of SQL Server is using?

  • @Ricardopontual, SQL Server 2014!

  • @jeovanithomazini I suggest reading the article "Separating multi-valued text content (string split)", where you will find efficient ways to get what you need. = > https://portosql.wordpress.com/articles/

1 answer


You can use this function according to your delimiter ('**',',',..)

CREATE FUNCTION [dbo].[SDF_SplitString]
    @sString nvarchar(2048),
    @cDelimiter nchar(1)
RETURNS @tParts TABLE ( part nvarchar(2048) )
    if @sString is null return
    declare @iStart int,
            @iPos int
    if substring( @sString, 1, 1 ) = @cDelimiter 
        set @iStart = 2
        insert into @tParts
        values( null )
        set @iStart = 1
    while 1=1
        set @iPos = charindex( @cDelimiter, @sString, @iStart )
        if @iPos = 0
            set @iPos = len( @sString )+1
        if @iPos - @iStart > 0          
            insert into @tParts
            values  ( substring( @sString, @iStart, @iPos-@iStart ))
            insert into @tParts
            values( null )
        set @iStart = @iPos+1
        if @iStart > len( @sString ) 


As of 2016 version has already available the function string_split()

  • Dear friend, I really appreciate your help. You didn’t solve the whole problem but I have a great starting point now.

  • As you have records where the delimiter can change (spaces or **), in this case you need to use a "CASE WHEN" with the CHARINDEX function to check whether or not there is that character.

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