Problem with (Sql Server) insufficient system memory in Resource pool


Viewed 1,163 times


I have a problem in some queries performed by the system, I analyzed the code and there is no error, more the bank is returning me to the message

"There is insufficient system memory in Resource pool 'Internal' to run this query."

Does anyone know how I get a solution to this problem?

I have the bank version:

SELECT SERVERPROPERTY('productversion'), SERVERPROPERTY ('productlevel'), SERVERPROPERTY ('Edition'')

Answer: 11.0.5058.0 SP2 Standard Edition (64-bit)

See the image:

inserir a descrição da imagem aqui

1 answer


I found a solution:

Workaround (This applies only to Dedicated Server clients). You must adjust the SQL Server Minimum Memory setting to 500 MB or more. While this can make the module work properly, it can also reduce overall site performance.

1 - Faça o login no seu servidor dedicado usando o Remote Desktop .
2 - Abra o Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio .
3 - No painel Explorador de Objetos, clique com o botão direito do mouse em (local) (SQL Server .
4 - Selecione Propriedades e clique em Memória .
5 - Em Opções de Memória do Servidor,  insira o valor que você deseja que a memória mínima do servidor seja definida.
Clique OK .

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