Displaying form through Select with Jquery!


Viewed 265 times


I have a select field for the user to choose which form to register the data! ( 2 forms to be displayed). When selecting the first option in select, I am using Jquery Hide() and show() to display the chosen forms.

Forms have a select field that returns BD data for the user to choose the option!

Since the two forms are the same, I would like to return two database queries in the same form when the user changes the option in select! Note: I am developing this form in PHP Mysql!

Note: I managed to return only one query!

inserir a descrição da imagem aqui

<script src="https://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/3.3.1/jquery.min.js"></script>
<script language="javascript" type="text/javascript">
function validar(){
var idDepartamento   = formInsere.idDepartamento.value;
var descRamal        = formInsere.descRamal.value;
var numRamal         = formInsere.numRamal.value;

if(idDepartamento == ""){
alert('Selecione o nome Terminal!');
return false;    

if(descRamal == ""){
alert('Informe a descri\u00e7\u00e3o do ramal!');   
return false;

if(numRamal == ""){
alert('Informe o n\u00famero do ramal!');
return false;

}//fim function//

//selecione input busca escala(data / periodo)//
$(document).ready(function() {

$('#mySelect').change(function() {

    if($('#mySelect').val() == 'Form 1'){
    }//fim formInTerminal//    

    if($('#mySelect').val() == 'Form 2') {
    } else {
    }//fim if//

});//fim selecione input// 


    $strSql = "SELECT * FROM TB_Departamento WHERE idDepartamento BETWEEN 41 AND 45 ORDER BY descricao;";
    //echo $strSql; // exit; 

    $resultadoQuery = $conexaoBD->query($strSql);

    if(mysqli_num_rows($resultadoQuery) > 0){


<div class="w3-half w3-container w3-padding w3-text-gray">

    <select id="mySelect" style="width:200px" method="GET">
        <option value="opcao">Selecione</option>
        <option>Formulario 1</option>
        <option>Formulario 2</option>
    </select> <br><br>

    <form id="formInTerminal" name="formInsere" action="formInsere.php" method="POST">
            <select name="idDepartamento"  maxlength="80" style="width:200px">
                <option value="">Selecione</option>
                <?php while ($registro = $resultadoQuery->fetch_assoc()){?>
                <option value="<?= $registro['idDepartamento']?>"><?= $strNome = utf8_decode($registro["descricao"])?></option>
            <?php }//fim while//
                    }//fim if num_rows//

                    <input type="text" name="descRamal"  required="true" style="width:200px">
                <input type="text" name="numRamal" maxlength="4" style="width:200px">       
         <!--<input type="submit" onclick="return validar()" value="salvar">-->
         <button class="w3-button" style="background:#b8cad4;" type="submit" onclick="return validar()">Salvar</button>

  • 1

    Thanks @André Lins! I’m new here!

1 answer


you can check by the value of select

first you must put a value in the options

<option value="1">Formulario 1</option>
<option value="2">Formulario 2</option>

just after checking for the chosen code

valor = $('#mySelect').val()
if (valor == 1){
}else if (valor == 2){

put this in a role and activate with the change event in select

make the queries and return the different results in the different selects, so you will be able to use in a simple way, each select with its options just being hidden

  • Okay! I did it and it worked! my question is how to make the code in php when selecting form 2 and the form input echo the information that comes from the database! In Form 1, I can bring the bank information, there when I change there in select to Form 2, comes the same form 1 select information...

  • puts two selects, each bringing the desired information, ie two selects each with the options brought from different bank, then only controls the display

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