How to read txt file and mount php array?


Viewed 569 times


I wonder if there is any way to read a file . txt and mount a PHP array with each line of the file . txt to then mount JSON if anyone can help me thank you!

I want the exhibition to stay that way:

"empregados": [
        "nome": "Jason Jones",
        "idade": 38,
        "sexo": "M"
        "nome": "Ada Pascalina",
        "idade": 35,
        "sexo": "F"
        "nome": "Delphino da Silva",
        "idade": 26,
        "sexo": "M"


This is my code:

<?php $dadox = array();
$dado = fopen("new_2.txt", "r");

while (!feof ($dado)) {
//se extraio uma linha do arquivo e nao eh false
if ($linha = fgets($dado)){
$dadox[] = $linha;

$cpf = substr("$linha", 0, 11 );
$nome = substr("$linha", 11, 32 );
$end = substr("$linha", 43, 28 );
$com = substr("$linha", 75 , 8 );
$cidade = substr("$linha", 87 , 13 );
$uf = substr("$linha", 103 , 2 );

header('Content-Type: application/json');

 $funcionario =

     $dados = array(

    $dados_funcionario = array('funcionario' => $dados);

    $json_str = json_encode($dados_funcionario,JSON_PRETTY_PRINT);

    echo "$json_str";
} ?>
  • 1

    Yes, many ways, but all depend on the format of your file. Could [Edit] your question and add an example and describe what is the desired output?

  • I think this question may help you:

  • How it is delimited?

1 answer


As has been mentioned, there are N ways to resolve this issue, below I will present a supposing that the data are delimited according to your example.

This would be your new_2.txt

12345678912primeiro nome do cliente        endereço 1                  comp 1  cidade 1     SP
12345678912segundo nome do cliente         endereço 2                  comp 2  cidade 2     MG

It follows as would a possible solution


$dadox['empregados'] = array();
$lines = file('new_2.txt');
foreach ($lines as $line) {
    if (preg_match('#^(?<cpf>[0-9]{11})(?<nome>[^\n]{32})(?<end>[^\n]{28})(?<com>[^\n]{8})(?<cidade>[^\n]{13})(?<uf>[^\n]{2})#iu', trim($line), $arr)) {
        $dadox['empregados'][] = array(
            'cpf' => $arr['cpf'],
            'nome' => $arr['nome'],
            'end' => $arr['end'],
            'com' => $arr['com'],
            'cidade' => $arr['cidade'],
            'uf' => $arr['uf']

echo '<pre>';

I won’t go into detail about regex, as you can see an example of it running here and completely detailed.

  • Vlw bro! Exactly what I wanted.

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