ORDER BY Mysql - Reporting organisation


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I have a chat and would like to display the contacts according to the date of the last message, I thought of many ways to do this but it is not working in any way. How could I bring this data properly?

Structure of the Tables

The table message stores all messages, however, each message has the session_id.

The table Session has session information, ie messages are organized by session, within Session, has the contact ID.

The table contact has all contact information.


My idea is to give the SELECT in the contact table, but arrange them by the time of the last message.

For example, imagine a chat with your next-door contacts, you’re exchanging messages with some of them, but even if you’re exchanging messages, this contact is being displayed below some that you talked to yesterday.

The idea is this contact you’re talking to right now, climb to the top of your contacts.


Below is an example of one of SELECTS that went wrong, it even returns in order, but with each message, the contacts are repeated.

  FROM      contact AS c
 INNER JOIN message AS m
 INNER JOIN session AS s ON s.contact_id = c.id AND m.session_id = s.id
 ORDER BY m.timestamp;

The column of the time at which the message was sent is timestamp

If anyone can help, I’d appreciate it!

OBS: My forte is not database.

  • 2

    It would be interesting to put in your question what you tried so far, an example of the Sqls that you tried but went wrong.

  • 2

    Can put an example of the data and the desired output so we can test the solutions?

  • 1

    And the version of MySQL? What is?

2 answers


From the version 8 of MySQL you can use the function ROW_NUMBER as follows:

Schema (Mysql V8.0)

CREATE TABLE contact (
  contact VARCHAR(100)

INSERT INTO contact(contact)

CREATE TABLE session (
  contact_id INTEGER

INSERT INTO session(contact_id)

CREATE TABLE message (
  session_id INTEGER,
  message    VARCHAR(100),
  timestamp  TIMESTAMP

INSERT INTO message(session_id, message, timestamp)
             VALUES(1, 'Oi', NOW() - INTERVAL 2 MINUTE), -- Conversa da Maria
                   (3, 'Como foi?', NOW() - INTERVAL 30 SECOND), -- Conversa do João
                   (1, 'Tudo bem?', NOW() - INTERVAL 15 SECOND); -- Conversa da Maria


SELECT x.contact,
  FROM (SELECT c.contact,
               ROW_NUMBER() OVER(PARTITION BY c.id ORDER BY m.timestamp DESC) AS sequencia
          FROM contact c
         INNER JOIN session s ON s.contact_id = c.id
         INNER JOIN message m ON m.session_id = s.id
       ) x
  WHERE x.sequencia = 1
  ORDER BY x.timestamp DESC;

Resulting in

| contact | message   | timestamp           |
| ------- | --------- | ------------------- |
| Maria   | Tudo bem? | 2019-04-09 18:58:16 |
| João    | Como foi? | 2019-04-09 18:58:01 |

See working on DB Fiddle


Returns the number of the Current Row Within its Partition.

In free translation:

Returns the number of the current row inside your partition.

For versions previous to the MySQL (tested from the version 5.5):


SELECT z.contact,
  SELECT x.contact,
         @sequencia := CASE x.id WHEN @anterior THEN @sequencia + 1 ELSE 1 END AS sequencia,
         @anterior := x.id
    FROM (SELECT c.contact,
            FROM contact c
           INNER JOIN session s ON s.contact_id = c.id
           INNER JOIN message m ON m.session_id = s.id
           JOIN (SELECT @anterior := 0, @sequencia := 1) AS y
           ORDER BY c.id,
                    m.timestamp DESC
         ) x
) z
  WHERE z.sequencia = 1
  ORDER BY z.timestamp DESC;

Resulting in

| contact | message   | timestamp           |
| ------- | --------- | ------------------- |
| Maria   | Tudo bem? | 2019-04-10 12:19:28 |
| João    | Como foi? | 2019-04-10 12:19:13 |

See working on DB Fiddle.

  • It worked perfectly! The only adjustment now is to put a WHERE to capture only the contacts of the user ID that is logged in, do you know where to put this condition? If it is possible to edit the answer with the clause, thank you. OBS: The user_id column is in the contact table. Helped me a lot, thanks buddy!

  • @Victorhugo unfortunately escapes the scope of the question and I would still have to answer this without having the complete structure and without knowing the version of MySQL, then I can only suggest that you put the WHERE just below the JOINs.


See if this SQL helps you with anything:

select distinct 
  from      message m 
 inner join session s on s.id = m.session_id
 inner join contact c on c.id = s.contact_id
 order by m.timestamp;

In the case of SQL above, only the data of clients who have at least one message sent will be returned. As you will only need the contact information, I believe using distinct already solve the problem of bringing duplicate data.

  • 1

    Works, however, contacts are displayed repeatedly

  • 1

    @Victorhugo Will you only bring the contact data in this select? Or will bring something related to the message or session as well?

  • 1

    I just need the contact information

  • 1

    @Victorhugo Check the editing of my reply, I modified the SQL, try with the distinct

  • 1

    You have the same problem, he repeats the contact for each message of the session

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