Read CSV file using as delimiter the character "?"


Viewed 37 times


When I download a CSV file in Windows (Pycharm) from the school, it works, but when I download it in Macos at home (Pycharm), it comes out with characters below:

Manege;Parc;Type;Design;Statut;Ouvert;Vitesse ( mph ) Air;Talpon
Park;Acier;Volant;En op�ration;2002;46,6 Boomerang; Family Theme
Park;Acier;Assis;En op�ration;1993;47 Cobra;Paultons
Park;Acier;Assis;En op�ration;2006;31,1 Colossus;Thorpe
Park;Acier;Assis;En op�ration;2002;45

How to fix this problem?

  • I have to put this line at the beginning of your code # -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

  • 2

    Although I do have the ? in the text, the delimiter does not seem to be it but the ;

  • 2

    The encoding of the file is not the one Pycharm is trying to open. Apparently Pycharm thinks UTF8 but I would guess that ISO-8859-1(latin1) since it works normally on Windows.

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