Error in v7 appcompat in v21 themes


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Recently, I went to make a clean project in my project, and I don’t know why it didn’t generate the, and my project was working normally.

So I had the brilliant idea to reinstall the SDK and the Eclipse. And now I’m having problems with the new support library and I keep getting these errors on the console:

C: ADT sdk extras android support v7 appcompat res values-v21 styles_base.xml:75: error: Error retrieving Parent for item: No Resource found that Matches the Given name 'android:Widget.Material.Actionbutton'.

C: ADT sdk extras android support v7 appcompat res values-v21 styles_base.xml:138: error: No Resource found that Matches the Given name: attr 'android:overlap'.

// ....

Does anyone know how to solve?

  • Could you add your AndroidManifest?

  • Check into your AndroidManifest if the Android:minSdkVersion and Android:targetSdkVersion are in agreement with version of this lib you are using.

  • in my manifest it looks like this: <uses-sdk android:minSdkVersion="8" android:targetSdkVersion="14" />

  • I suggest you eliminate and add back to library v7 Appcompat. This one of mine reply in Soen may help.

  • I’ve done it and it doesn’t work

  • Apparently changing target in project properties to 21 makes the app work, just needing to put a few more things in the codes...

  • Set the build.Radle configuration

  • I do not use android studio, but I’ve solved my problem...

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4 answers


I had the same problem and I managed to solve it in the following way:

1 - Right click on the support library;
2 - Click on Properties;
3 - On the left click on "Android";
4 - Select "Android 5.0 - API 21" and click OK;
5 - Clean the support library;

Made this mistake no longer appeared.


  • This solves, but forces me to use the library android 5.0 but I will mark this issue.


I had the same problem, I followed Lubni’s footsteps

  1. Right click on the support library;
  2. Click on Properties;
  3. On the left click on "Android";
  4. Select on the right side "Android 5.0 - API 21" and click OK (I used 4.1.2);
  5. Clean the support library;

and in the same window library, clicked add and added to appcompact and clicked applay.


I had this same problem that you, I spent many hours to fix. Test please.

Update all SDK, on update 21.0.2 build also has Google play Services updates. Update everything.

  • In his Workspace delete the folders android-support-v7-appcompat and google-play-services_lib.

  • Re-import these projects to the IDE and mark to copy them to your Workspace again.

  • In the project ( google-play-services_lib ) perform the action of Refresh and Build.

  • In the project ( android-support-v7-appcompat ) mark the API 5.0 next Refresh and Build.

  • In his project, in EstatesAndroid, import the libraries android-support-v7-appcompat and google-play-services_lib then Refresh and Build.


If you downloaded Android 5.0 (API 21) recently, you should change your target in the file for target=android-21.

  • Hi, Mason, welcome to []. I made a small adjustment to your reply so it doesn’t look like a comment. In fact, it’s nice to give more details in the answer. The [Answer] guide has more tips, and can [Edit] the answer whenever you need.

  • You just answered what I said myself -.-

  • Dude, I hadn’t seen your comment. it was hidden inside the "load more comments" option. what matters is that you solved it

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