How to create a great reproducible example in R?


Viewed 63 times


I already made one question previously on how to produce reproducible examples for questions involving the . Here at Stackoverflow in English there is guides and also questions whose theme are the reproducible examples. However there is nothing specifically for the that provides information on the topic in a comprehensive way which can hinder the life of beginners and also imply a lower quality of answers or disinterest of users more experienced in answering the question.

What are your tips for creating an excellent reproducible example? How to present data structures? What additional information should be included in the question? Finally, how to create a great reproducible example in R?

NOTE: I am aware of the question What are the main functions for creating a minimum reproducible example in R? but my purpose here is more general and the goal is to be a guide for those users who are asked to produce a reproducible question.

  • 1

    Nowadays the maximum is: copy your code (Ctrl + c) and send a reprex::reprex(). Ai glue the result here.

  • Actually I’m looking for something more elaborate than that. A similar question is one of the most voted on stackoverflow in English with multiple answers ;-)

  • I understand. The formulation of the question you indicate in the observation has the same objective. The way it was elaborated (asking functions) was for the community with a whole to accept it here in the main site.

  • 1

    See the fate of these questions: first, second

  • @Tomásbarcellos, in my opinion, was a mistake to remove precisely the questions that went directly to the focus. In indexers it is more likely that someone will look for a reproducible example than simply functions. Perhaps the solution was to change the text of the question at least.

  • 1

    I agree with you and I fought so that it did not happen. I happen to have lost :(

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