How to find the value from accumulated balances


Viewed 43 times


In my SQL Server, have a table containing the registration of odometer of vehicles with the value end of each month.

I need to know what the value that each vehicle toured monthly on the basis of those balances/values.

Detail is that there may be months off the books when the vehicle has been stationary all month, so I have to have the registration with value 0 that month.

Layout of Tabela: Registros

| Campos |

Placa_Veiculo (string)
AnoMes (AAAA/MM)
KM_fim_Mes (numerico)

If table I have the following data:


placa = a, 


My select has to bring 4 lines thus:

placa=a, ano_mes=2019/01, km=660;
placa=a, ano_mes=2019/02, km=0; 
placa=a, ano_mes=2019/03, km=40; 
placa=a, ano_mes=2019/04, km=80
  • There is only the table Registros?

  • For the vehicle "a", for the month "2019/01" there is no way to calculate how many kilometers traveled as there is no previous information.

2 answers


Here is the solution that deals with the possibility of cars having registration in different periods.

-- código #1
Registros_0 as (
SELECT Placa_Veiculo as placa, 
       min (AnoMes) as ano_mes_inicial, 
       max (AnoMes) as ano_mes_final
  from Registros
  group by Placa_Veiculo
Registros_1 as (
SELECT R0.placa, R0.ano_mes_inicial as ano_mes, R.KM_fim_Mes as km,
       convert (date, R0.ano_mes_inicial + '/01', 111) as AnoMes,
       convert (date, R0.ano_mes_final + '/01', 111) as AnoMes_F
  from Registros_0 as R0 
       inner join Registros as R on R.Placa_Veiculo = R0.placa 
                                    and R.AnoMes = R0.ano_mes_inicial
union all
SELECT R1.placa, 
       convert (char(7), dateadd (month, +1, R1.AnoMes), 111),
       coalesce ((SELECT R.KM_fim_Mes 
                    from Registros as R
                    where R.Placa_Veiculo = R1.placa      
                          and R.AnoMes = convert (char(7), dateadd (month, +1, R1.AnoMes), 111)),
       dateadd (month, +1, R1.AnoMes),
  from Registros_1 as R1 
  where dateadd (month, +1, R1.AnoMes) <= R1.AnoMes_F                           
SELECT placa, ano_mes, km,
       case when km >= lag (km) over(partition by placa order by ano_mes)
                 then (km - lag (km) over(partition by placa order by ano_mes)) 
            else NULL end as Percorrido    
  from Registros_1;                                 

Registraos_0: gets, for each vehicle, which is the first and the last record

Registrations_1: mount, month to month for each vehicle, what is the mileage value. Uses recursive CTE.

Another possibility is to use algorithms of gaps and Islands to fill in the gaps and then calculate the distances travelled per vehicle/month.


Try running this script:

SELECT Placa_Veiculo, AnoMes, SUM(KM_fim_Mes)
FROM Registros
  • hi, thanks but I need a well-worked script that does calculations to get the result I put in the example

  • It would not be easier to return only the months that contain values in the month, and in the language you are using (PHP, JAVA ...) to check the missing months (no values)?

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