How can I make a repeat structure here?(Fortran)


Viewed 92 times


program equacao
implicit none
real a,b,c,q
real x3,x2,x1
character s,n,read,if

complex sqrt

100 print*, "Esse programa calcula equacoes do 2 grau"

write (*,*) "De os valores de a, b, c(respectivamente)"
read (*,*) a,b,c

q = (b**2)-4*a*c
x1 = (-b+sqrt(q) ) / (2*a)
x2 = (-b-sqrt(q) ) / (2*a)
x3 = (-b) / 2*a

if (q .lt. 0) then
 print*, "Nao existe x real"

if (q .gt. 0) then
 print*, "delta=",q
 print*, "X' e X'' respectivamente=",x1,"e",x2
elseif (q .eq. 0) then
 print*, "So existe uma raiz"
 print*, x3

write (*,*) "Calcular mais uma?(s/n)"
read (*,*) s,n
if (read .eq. s) then
   do while (if .eq. s)
      goto 100
elseif (read .eq. n) then
    do while (if .eq. n)
       goto 200
200 end

1 answer


inserir a descrição da imagem aqui

• If I understand the question, try remove do while within of if:

Obs. 1 : What you want with variables read & if I didn’t understand, so I removed those variables and replaced them s & n for sn.

Obs. 2 : Added the variable ierr for a verification of input different of the kind of variable expected in the readings a,b,c and sn, doing the redirecting to the pertinent question.

program equacao
implicit none

integer ierr
complex sqrt
character(1) sn
real a,b,c,q,x3,x2,x1

100 write(*,*)char(10),'Esse programa calcula equacoes do 2 grau'

write (*,*)char(10),"De os valores de a, b, c (respectivamente)"
read (*,*,iostat=ierr) a,b,c
if (int(ierr) .ne. int(0.)) go to 100

 q = (b**2)-4*a*c
x1 = (-b+sqrt(q) ) / (2*a)
x2 = (-b-sqrt(q) ) / (2*a)
x3 = (-b) / 2*a

if (q .lt. 0.) print*, char(10),"Nao existe x real"

if (q .gt. 0.) then
   print*,char(13),"delta = ",q
   print*,"X e X respectivamente = ",x1," e ",x2
elseif (q .eq. 0.) then
   print*, "So existe uma raiz"
   print*, x3

300 write (*,*) char(10),"Calcular mais uma?(s/n)"

read (*,'(a1)') sn
if (int(ierr) .ne. int(0.)) go to 300

if (sn .eq. "s" .or. sn .eq. "S") then
   goto 100
elseif (sn .eq. "n" .or. sn .eq. "N") then
   goto 200
   goto 300

200 end program equacao

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