Regex for strong password


Viewed 3,481 times


I want to create an expression that creates a password with:

  • 8 characters minimum
  • 1 Capital letter at least
  • 1 Number at least
  • 1 symbol at least: $*&@#
  • If possible, also do not allow equal sequence (aa, bb, 44, etc.)

I have found several tutorials but so far none worked.

Someone could help me with this expression?

I’m using the module randexp to generate the password.

2 answers


Your expression should look like this:


Explaining in more detail:

  (?=.*\d)              // deve conter ao menos um dígito
  (?=.*[a-z])           // deve conter ao menos uma letra minúscula
  (?=.*[A-Z])           // deve conter ao menos uma letra maiúscula
  (?=.*[$*&@#])         // deve conter ao menos um caractere especial
  [0-9a-zA-Z$*&@#]{8,}  // deve conter ao menos 8 dos caracteres mencionados
  • 1

    Vlw, that’s what I wanted


To response from Monneratrj It already solves most of what you need. I would just like to add a regex to check the last condition (do not allow two or more identical consecutive characters, such as aa, bb), since this was not covered in the links that I suggested in the comments:


The section that makes the check is (?:([0-9a-zA-Z$*&@#])(?!\1)). Explaining from the inside out:

  • ([0-9a-zA-Z$*&@#]): is a character class containing numbers, letters and the special characters you are considering. They are within parentheses to form a catch group
  • (?!\1): is a Lookahead negative, which checks if something does not exist in front. In case, \1 means "the stretch that was captured by the first capture group".

As the first capture group is a character that can be number, letter or $*&@#, the Lookahead negative checks if that same character is not ahead. If it is (i.e., if the same character appears repeated twice in a row), the regex fails.

Finally, I put it all inside (?: and ), because it forms a catch group (I don’t want this whole stretch to interfere with \1, then he shouldn’t be a capture group), and then I put the {8,} so that it has at least 8 characters.

The "trick" of Lookahead is that it only checks what is (or what is not) ahead, and then goes back to where it was and continues to evaluate the rest of the regex. Hence the Lookahead negative does not interfere with the character count: it only sees if the next one is the same (thanks to the reference \1), and if not, go back to where you were and continue to check the regex (in this case, if you have at least 8 characters among those specified).


let r = /^(?=.*\d)(?=.*[a-z])(?=.*[A-Z])(?=.*[$*&@#])(?:([0-9a-zA-Z$*&@#])(?!\1)){8,}$/;

console.log(r.test('a12B@cde')); // true
console.log(r.test('a12B@cce')); // false
console.log(r.test('a22B@cde')); // false
console.log(r.test('a12@@cde')); // false
console.log(r.test('a12B@cCe')); // true

If you also want to reject sequences like aA, just use the option i in regex:

let r = /^(?=.*\d)(?=.*[a-z])(?=.*[A-Z])(?=.*[$*&@#])(?:([0-9a-zA-Z$*&@#])(?!\1)){8,}$/i;

console.log(r.test('a12B@cde')); // true
console.log(r.test('a12B@cce')); // false
console.log(r.test('a22B@cde')); // false
console.log(r.test('a12@@cde')); // false
console.log(r.test('a12B@cCe')); // false

  • 1

    Thank you very much complemented

  • I wanted to understand where you get these expressions, man, I don’t understand anything

  • @Richardwillian Yes, regex is complicated and I took long much to learn. Two sites that I like a lot and have interesting tutorials are that and that. And books, I recommend that and that (but there are already more advanced, only recommend reading if after mastering the basics). And here on the site, in the tag [tag:regex] you can also look for specific problems, there are many things

  • Caraca very cool, I will try to learn, because we are always using face and I always need to come on the net looking for a ready. Thank you very much in.

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