I’m making an app that is related to supermarket products, and a future possibility is that, instead of the user searching by product name, he can also use the mobile phone to scan the barcode.
How can I link the barcode to the product?
Have some database, free or not, that, given a barcode, return me your associated product?
Did you ever see this site? http://www.gs1br.org/
– brasofilo
http://www.afrac.org.br/index.php ... I’ve been out of retail for a while but it was the association that took care of it.
– Motta
@brasofilo the problem there for what it seems is that this site that you indicated to have access to the person has to associate and it seems that one has a fee to pay. But it’s a start, so I gave +1 to your comment :)
– Raul Sena Ferreira
Yes, I had seen this gs1br, but by the way it is paid. Well, I think the way will be to register the barcodes one by one myself...
– drakenation