How to authenticate with token (JWT)?


Viewed 187 times


Good night, you guys! I have tried 3 different ways, but the closest I got was the code I will post below, I am developing an application as a study using Angular and Python and currently I already validate my user without using token, now I’m trying to deploy but I can’t insert the token in my browser.

Follows snippets of code:

My backend in Python:

class Login(Resource):
    def post(self):
        parser.add_argument('username', type=str)
        parser.add_argument('password', type=str)
        args = parser.parse_args()
        password = hashlib.md5(args['password'].encode('utf-8')).hexdigest()
        sql = "SELECT * FROM usuarios WHERE username = (%s) and password = (%s)"
        value = (args['username'], password)
        dbcursor.execute(sql, value)
        result = dbcursor.fetchall()
        if len(result) > 0:
            return {"message": "user valido"}
            id_user = result[0][0]
            payload = {"id": id_user}
            token = jwt.encode(payload, config.JWT.secret, algorithm='HS256')
            data = json.dumps({"id": id_user, "username": result[0][1], "token": token.decode("UTF-8)")})
            res = Response(str(data),mimetype='application/json')
            res.headers['x-access-token'] = "JWT"+token.decode("UTF-8")
            return {"message": "user invalido"}

    def get(self):
        token = request.cookies.get("JWT")
        if not token:
            return {"message": "Faca login na aplicacao primeiro"}
        token = jwt.decode(token, config.JWT.secret, algorithm='HS2556')
        sql = "SELECT * FROM usuarios where id = (%s)"
        value = (str(token["id"]),)
        dbcursor.execute(sql, value)
        result = dbcursor.fetchall()
        return result

My service using Angular:

  authenticate(username: string, password: string) {    
    return this.http
        { "username":username, "password":password },
        { observe: 'response' } ) 
      .pipe(tap(res => {
        const authToken = res.headers.get('x-access-token')

My component with Angular:

    const username = this.loginForm.get('username').value;
    const password = this.loginForm.get('password').value;

        .authenticate(username, password)
    .subscribe((res) => {
      if (res ["message"] == 'user valido') {
      else {
        console.log('Caiu no else')
        this.platformDetectorService.isPlatformBrower() && 

This way it ends up not validating my user (drops into Else), prints my authToken as null and does not register the token in the browser, some north or hint ? Thank you :)

  • I don’t know Python, but the line return {"message": "user valido"} should not be in the line before the else? After making the request to the server, save the token somewhere (Sessiontoken, Localstorage or Cookie, can be saved to a variable, but it is a bit rough)

  • Precisely, you put the return {"message": "user valido"} at the very beginning of the block and the execution ends at this point and does not end the authentication process.

  • Oops, so, I already took it out too and it still doesn’t work, brother. The token print on my angular component is still null, first I’d like to print it, then q I’m really picking it up I’ll store it on the localStorage

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