In Oracle this can be done by creating a virtual column. When the table is accessed the virtual columns appear to be the same as the normal columns, however their value is derived/calculated instead of being stored in memory.
The syntax for defining a virtual column is as follows:
Here’s an example of how to change an existing table to add a virtual column:
ADD TURNO GENERATED ALWAYS AS (CASE WHEN TO_CHAR(COLUNA_DATE, 'hh24:mi:ss') < '12:00:00' THEN 'Manhã' WHEN TO_CHAR(COLUNA_DATE, 'hh24:mi:ss') < '18:00:00' THEN 'Tarde' ELSE 'Noite' END));
In this example, the hours in the interval 00:00 until 12:00 correspond to the morning shift, between 12:00 and 18:00 correspond to the afternoon and the rest correspond to the night shift.
It will therefore be necessary to change the condition in the CASE instruction according to your need.
Missed a "then'tarde' ...
– Motta
Thank you @Motta
– bruno