I am developing a Crawler using Xios. How can I make multiple requests or callbacks without losing the session and without having to manipulate cookies? Note the example below. When logging in, I receive a set-cookie in the reply header, but I expect Xios itself to configure it.
function login() {
return axios.post('/login');
function getUser() {
return axios.get('/user/12345/');
axios.all([login(), getUser()])
.then(axios.spread(function (acct, perms) {
I’ve tried with withCredentials but no results
Describing the general problem you will get only a general answer. Example: "How to build a house?" , "Use blocks and cement, build solid walls". Instead ask something specific and responsive in a useful way: "How to lift a wall using this type of block with such a slope and such height safely?" , answer: "Position the blocks in such format, run this block placement algorithm, do not use this tool because there is such a risk, here is an example running from a wall ready for you to see how it does [link]". See? Too many wide questions don’t help.
– Sorack
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– Sorack