Split sets


Viewed 67 times


Hello people need help with the following algorithm it must have as input an array where the user informs and the program shows the possible combinations, for example: input = [1,2,3] output = [ [1,2,3], [1,2], [1,3], [2,3], [1], [2], [3], [] ] If anyone can help me I’ll thank you very much!

  • 5

    What was tried? What was your difficulty? What did you not understand about the problem of taking the set of all subsets of another set?

  • what I did was to do the part of reading the vector with n numbers that the user informs, my difficulty is in assembling the subsets for generic cases

1 answer


Intuitively it is possible to realize that the number of possible combinations is equal to 2 n - 1 where n is the number of elements of the vector, so if the vector has an element the number of combinations is 1, if it has 2, the number of combinations is 3 and so on.

If the number of combinations is equal to 2 n - 1 it is possible to represent it with the bits that make up a int. For example, if the vector contains two numbers, each combination can be represented as follows:

[1][2] corresponds to 11, as both numbers appear.

[1] corresponds to 10, because only the first number appears.

[2] corresponds to 01, because only the second number appears.

So, let’s go to the implementation of the algorithm. In the code, I used the condition buffer_int % 2 == 0 to check whether the bit in position i is equal to 1 or equal to 0. And I used the instruction buffer_int /= 2; to move to the next bit. Check yourself:

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <math.h>
#include <stdint.h>

int main(){

   int quantidade = 0;
   int numeros[31];
   /*31, pois (2^31 - 1) é o número máximo de combinações permitidade pelo programa.
   Seria relativamente fácil aumentar o número de combinações máxima para 2^63 - 1, 
   mas como o algoritmo tem complexidade exponencial, valores dessa grandeza não 
   são úteis do ponto de vista prático.*/  

   char buffer_str[64];

   //recebe os dados do usuario e cria o array
   while(quantidade < 31){
      printf("Entre um numero ou 'exit' para sair.\n");
      scanf("%s", &buffer_str);

      if(strcmp(buffer_str, "exit") == 0){
      numeros[quantidade] = atoi(buffer_str);

   int i;

   int32_t combinacao = 1;
   int buffer_int;

   while(combinacao < (int32_t) pow(2, quantidade)){

      buffer_int = combinacao;

      for(i = 0; i < quantidade; i++){
         //se o bit na posicao i é igual a 1 imprima o número
         if(buffer_int % 2 == 1){
            printf("%d ", numeros[i]);
         //divide buffer_int por 2 para verificar o próximo bit
         buffer_int /= 2;

EDIT: I liked the suggestions made in the comments and made the following changes to the code:

  • I added the empty set to the set of possible combinations;
  • pow(), in fact, it is not safe to calculate an entire power, it has therefore been replaced;
  • replaces the while by a for, for agreeing that it was the most appropriate;
  • I used the function sprintf() and the variables elemento_str and conjunto_str to decrease excessive I/O and improve performance;
  • And finally, I also fixed a bug that happened when the user entered the maximum number of elements (31). I won’t go into details, but the right thing to do would be to use the guy uint32_t and not the kind int32_t.

    Below the excerpt of the changed code:

     int i;
       uint32_t num_comb = 1;
       //num_comb == numero de combinações possíveis
       for(int i = 0; i < quantidade; i++){num_comb *= 2;}
       uint32_t combinacao;
       uint32_t buffer_int;
       char elemento_str[8];
       //"[] é o primeiro conjunto a ser impresso (conjunto vazio)."
       char conjunto_str[128] = "[]";
       for(combinacao = 0; combinacao < num_comb; combinacao++){
          buffer_int = combinacao;
          for(i = 0; i < quantidade; i++){
             //se o bit na posicao i é igual a 1 imprima o número
             if(buffer_int % 2 == 1){
                sprintf(elemento_str, "%d ", numeros[i]);
                strcat(conjunto_str, elemento_str);
             //divide buffer_int por 2 para verificar o próximo bit
             buffer_int /= 2;
         printf("%s\n", conjunto_str);
         conjunto_str[0] = '\0';
    • Just one detail: the trivial empty subset is also in the expected result, and empty is always possible to be obtained. Then, the number of possible subsets to form with n elements is yes 2^n. Even when you have a set A, the mathematical operation used to indicate the set of all subsets is 2^A. I could see this when, by listing the subset options for 2 elements, you did not quote the choice 00, just the 11, 10, 01. For the rest, its mathematical basis seemed adequately solid, just finishing reading the code part.

    • @Jeffersonquesado, you’re right. I assumed that the empty set was not included and made the code in that sense. I’m also checking another part of the code, in the beginning, I tested it with something around 20 numbers, more than that, it was taking more than a minute to calculate. But after I put 31 digits, there was a problem and I’m checking it. Maybe something is out of range. Then, I edit everything.

    • We don’t agree with some details in the implementation (I would never write pow(2, quantidade) for an entire potentiation, for example; nor would it do anything of UI, just algorithm and transfer of results to be useful at another point of code; nor would that for disguised as while), but I see no problems in the code besides ignoring the empty subset (which can be easily included by doing combinacao = 0 in place of combinacao = 1).

    • with 30 numbers you have close to 1 billion subsets. In the case of 20 numbers, it is close to 1 million subsets. Take into account that for each set you have several write operations with printf, one for each number, plus line break. Ultimately, your program was slow because of I/O with the terminal. If it helps, try redirecting the output to a text file on the command line, it should greatly increase performance (but I don’t know if, even so, it is feasible to wait, I couldn’t estimate how many millions of I/O operations are done)

    • 1

      Coincidentally, I have just received a positive vote in this answer. At some point there I talk to avoid excessive I/O for competitive computing problems. It can be useful for you to improve the performance of your test. It has a function called sprintf which writes in a string what the printf writes to a terminal. All 100% memory, no I/O. Will make code harder to read, but would improve performance.

    • 1

      By the way, I found the formula to find out how many times you’ll print. Just exchange the 20 for the number that will be used; in the case of the 20, approximately 10.5 million writings will be called. See formula

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