Not passing id via get


Viewed 31 times


When I go rule out, I’m passing the id table for deletion.. But it is not passing. First place delete confirmation with MODAL window.

The URL looks like this:

He should count the ID number..

<a href='../model/patient-delete.php?id='<?php echo $id['id_paciente']?>  
  data-confirm='Tem certeza de que deseja excluir o item selecionado?' 
  class = "btn btn-danger btn-xs">
    <i class="fa fa-trash"></i>Excluir

But I notice that in the URL he is not passing the id for Patient-delete-form. The modal window is calling, but when I confirm, it does not pass

  • Your question is a little vague. We need more details to be able to help: code snippet, etc.

1 answer


I think your problem is that you put the value of id outside the url string, look at the example below

//<a href='../model/patient-delete.php?id='<?php echo $id['id_paciente']?>
//                                        ^
//                                        a string da url terminou aqui

<a href='../model/patient-delete.php?id=<?php echo $id['id_paciente']?>'
//                                                                     ^
//                                    agora esta dentro da string da url

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