How can I pass a parameter of any type to a generic vector? - C


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I have a structure like TTabelaX, which is basically a table that I will store elements of any kind, ie I can create a table to store a type element TCarro, with plate and color, then I can use the same structure to create a table to store a type TPessoa, with name and name.

In other words, it is a generic structure to create a table of anything.

My problem is in the insert part of the element, as I will tell the function inserir() that I’m passing an element that may be of any kind?

typedef struct tabelax TTabelaX;
struct tabelax{
    int max;
    int pos;
    void** tabela;

TTabelaX*cria_tabela(int tam){
    // Aloquei a estrutura e passei o endereço pra aux
    TTabelaX* aux = (TTabelaX*)malloc(sizeof(TTabelaX));
    // Tabela aponta p/ um vetor do tipo void*, tornando genérico
    aux->tabela = (void**)malloc(sizeof(void*) * tam);
    aux->max = tam;
    aux->pos = 0;    
    return aux;

void inserir(TTabelaX* aux, ???){//<--como passar um parâmetro sem saber seu tipo?

2 answers


Use pointer to void.

TTabelaX*cria_tabela(int tam) {

  // Aloquei a estrutura e passei o endereço pra aux
  TTabelaX* aux = (TTabelaX*)malloc(sizeof(TTabelaX));

  // Tabela aponta p/ um vetor do tipo void*, tornando genérico
  aux->tabela = (void**)malloc(sizeof(void*) * tam);
  memset(aux->tabela, 0, sizeof(void*) * tam); // <------- inicializar os ponteiros
  aux->max = tam;
  aux->pos = 0;    
  return aux;

void inserir(TTabelaX* aux, void* pX) { // <-- declare como um ponteiro para void
  • Show! Now it worked. A question, why should one initialize with the memset command? It would be for safety or because it is a good practice?

  • 1

    you need to initialize the pointers, otherwise they will have "junk" values (which was already in memory in those placements) and will point to invalid memory addresses


You can declare the element as a string (if c++) or as a char vector. Both accept values of any type.

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