Exchange map results using leaflet and state_popup


Viewed 36 times


I have a database of medical appointments by city. I use the leaflet and state_popup function to display the results on a map, as described below:

pal <- colorBin("Blues",domain = DATA$QUANTITY_MEDICAL,bins = c(1, 1000, 5000, 10000, 50000,100000,300000),na.color=NA) 

state_popup <- paste0("<strong>CITY: </strong>", 
                      "<br><strong> QUANTITY OF MEDICAL CONSULTATION: </strong>", 

leaflet(data = DATA) %>%
    addProviderTiles("CartoDB.Positron") %>%
    addPolygons(fillColor = ~pal(QUANTITY_MEDICAL), 
                fillOpacity = 0.7, 
                color = "#BDBDC3", 
                weight = 1, 
                popup = state_popup) %>%
    addLegend("topright","bottomright", pal = pal, values = ~ DATA$QUANTITY_MEDICAL,
              title = " QUANTITY OF MEDICAL CONSULTATION ",
              opacity = 1)

This script only shows one result at a time (medical appointments). I would like to include information on other medical procedures that I intend to include, such as examinations or hospitalizations. I want, for each procedure (medical consultation, examination or hospitalization) to include a button that changed the result. In my base (DATA) I already have the columns that separate the procedures I mentioned. It is possible to include this button to exchange the results in the map?

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