maskMoney Jquery on Gridview


Viewed 61 times


Guys I need to make a coin mask using Maskmoney where the Textbox comes from a dynamically generated Gridview or I don’t know how many lines there are in it. I’m doing it this way but it only works with Gridview’s first line. Like I do so that he considers all the lines and not only the first?

                $(function () {
                            allowNegative: false,
                            thousands: '.',
                            decimal: ',',
                            affixesStay: false,
                            symbol: "R$",
                            precision: 4



1 answer


Ah I’ve solved simple

var gvDrv = Document.getElementById("<%= grd_supplier.Clientid %>"); for (i = 1; i < gvDrv.rows.length; i++) {

                        $('#ctl00_c_area_conteudo_grd_fornecedor_lance_ctl0' + i.toString() +'_txtVL_Lance').maskMoney(
                                allowNegative: false,
                                thousands: '.',
                                decimal: ',',
                                affixesStay: false,
                                symbol: "R$",
                                precision: 4




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