How to change the voice genre of Microsoft.Speech.Synthesis synthesizer?


Viewed 261 times


I’m developing a voice recognition and synth program using microsoft Speech and system.Speech, but the female voice is used by default. Is it possible to switch to the male voice? I used the command sp.SelectVoiceByHints(VoiceGender.Male); but does not change.

  • Microsoft Speech only works well with the English language. It is better to create a Universal Windows app and or use the Cortana or else the API of speech recognition

  • The idea is that the application is used by people who do not speak English, but thank you!!

  • Young man, don’t change the focus of your question never, especially if there is already an answer (as is the case here). If you have a new question open a new question, it is free.

1 answer


I don’t know if it has anything to do with it, but I think maybe I’m getting my age:

sp.SelectVoiceByHints(VoiceGender.Male, VoiceAge.Adult);
  • VoiceAge.Child indicates to use the voice of a 10 year old child.
  • VoiceAge.Teen indicates to use the voice of a 15-year-old teenager.
  • VoiceAge.Adult indicates to use the voice of a 30-year-old adult.
  • VoiceAge.Senior indicates to use the voice of a 65 year old gentleman.

As described in

This may be what Augusto also said, in Portuguese the support is not very good.

  • @LINQ me and my Portuguese gaffes :) Grateful for the edition

  • Super normal, errors happen hehe. I took the opportunity to see if the edition also stayed in this retro style (which I’m loving, btw) hahaha.

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